Hello! thank you for checking out my game! The tutorial should show, but if it doesn't, click to dash, and space to place a portal.


anyways, I hope you enjoy my game, and if you find any bugs, please let me know!


this game was made for the monthly scratch jam! go check it out.

it's surprising what you can do with a program like scratch!

go check out the game! stop looking down here and play it! or open the link at https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/797906135/


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the game is god with more time it can be a big metroidvania but it have some glitches like this one "you can go throught walls to other rooms" I know the reason, is because you count (the moving from one room to another)from the frame before the colisions and there is another problem and this is more a game desining error but is hard to go to other room you need to click 3 times to pass but this time IDK how to fix that

yeah, the dash length is determined by the distance from the player to the mouse, and if you get stuck in a wall changing rooms, congrats! you've probably gone outside of the map!

that is what happened but like I said it can be fixed that is  what I want to say.

Nice game, but it is pretty hard to control... And it is confusing at first...

well, it's only one button and mouse, and you dash farther depending on how far away your mouse is

also, what's confusing? I'm open for feedback to improve the game.

the shooting is confusing, and when you summon a portal when youre standing in the same position, you do not directly enter it, you need to go out of that area, and then go to the portal again, but nice game, and there are none bugs (maybe there are bugs that i did not notice). but the game is one of the best in the jam. I would make the red cross (mouse control thingy) a bit smaller.

the shooting was really the only way I figured out that you could kill enemies with, maybe I could make it so that if you dash through enemies, they lose health? anyways, the portal thing, I really don't know how to fix. if I make it so that you teleport immediately, before you go off the portal, you'll go back and forth between the two portals very quickly, and you won't be able to exit them. the mouse was kind of just me wanting to be fancy, and then I was lazy and didn't change it. Btw, did you get to the Miniboss? if not, did you get to the button labeled "do not press"? and did you press it? just wondering, because I need feedback. and how many enemy types did you come across? could you tell me which ones they were? I hope you don't mind me asking you this.(that was one text wall and a half!)

oh, your idea with killing enemies by dashing is super nice! I guess the portal thing isn‘t a really big problem… I didn‘t get to the miniboss, i did get to the button, i did click it and then i respawned. Next time I didn‘t click it, i only saw the first enemies (those who shoot at you), and I don‘t understand what you mean by „that was one text wall and a half!“. Thanks for making such a nice game!